Monday, October 15, 2012

Meeting QuanQuan

No we didn't change her name..but for now she is QuanQuan. As you can see by the  pictures she was not real impressed with me, even when I gave her a lollipop I was OK for the gift, but don't pick me up! She was calling for her foster mother/grandmother and it was heartbreaking to hear. Her little voice is hoarse, not sure if it was before or it is only because she cried a lot today. She is one of the cutest two year olds that I know! After a nap this afternoon...we managed that by going shopping in mama's front pack. She loves to shop! and carried her own bags home even if she was sound asleep. No pictures, we were SHOPPING!
She can just about do anything she needs to with those little fingers including pick up 2-3 Cheerios at a time.  

She cries so much when we go into the elevator, not sure if that is when she saw Ni-Ni for the last time, cause that is who she calls for.

Chris Weaver