Thursday, January 24, 2013

Parent- Teacher Conference-Edited!

Tonight we went to parent-teacher conferences--for someone else's kids.

At least it felt that way.

Each student was respectful

Always cheerful

Had a pleasant outlook

Quiet voice...almost too quiet (that was just one of them)

Very neat work space

Not much gets them down

They always seem to do their best

I wonder who those lucky parents are?

Edited! I'm just glad that they wait until they get home to be 'normal'. I told one slow-poke this morning, "If your teacher would come and hide in a corner for awhile, the parent-teacher conference might not sound the same."


  1. Haha! All shiny and happy on parent-teacher night! It seems my comment from your post on our visit not happening didn't make it to you-I had that same thing happen with FB that day with another friend. Perhaps I should wish for a new computer :) We sure missed you, but poor sweet little S looks like she doesn't feel well in those pics, and I honestly felt as though we were scraping by the skin of our teeth to hit 2 hospitals on flu alert & come out unscathed. I was afraid we might carry something to your house!

  2. great job! I may be knocking on your door in a few years for tips :)

  3. Haha, too funny. I always told Tim(husband) that if the kids behaved outside the house, we were doing something right. Always mad me proud to hear they were doing well and doing it the right way. Way to go Mom and Dad, be proud.
