Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Week with NO School

Our last day of school was on Friday. Little Sister was looking forward
to her siblings being at home "all day".Somehow I don't think it is as
fun as she thought.
She has been having rough days...usually in the afternoon...a nap would
help, but I'm trying to wean her from them.
I think some of the problem is all the bossing from the bigger kids, Big
Sister usually controls what they play and about 2PM Little Sister has
But that does not excuse the tantrums!
Just how does one get a little one to STAY in a time out chair?

Today was better....she did fine till 4PM then a snack helped.

We put up the pool on Mon, but the water going in was 62 degrees, today
it warmed to 74 degrees and the girls were sure it was warm. So they
went swimming...Little One was indigo when she finally wanted to get out
20 min later.


  1. That makes my bones ache to think of swimming in that cold of water.

  2. and i have more to say! just noticed you opened your Etsy store! i just added it to my shopping links on my blog...and i blogged about your bags too..I'll try to come up with some more PR for you...and in exchange you can bring me back more squeaky shoes!
