Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful Thursday (it's almost Friday but...)

Was going to do this last week

I'm thankful for a little girl who flies down the drive on her tricycle, 
pedaling as fast as she can!

I'm thankful for big brothers that will play a game of 4square "for just
10 minutes" just because....

I'm thankful for the gift card for $25 when my bill was $24.98.

I'm thankful for the web sites that showed me apartments between $50 and
$80 a night (DH was laughing when I told him my search range)

I'm thankful for the one last scooter at W*lmart for $19.97 and it was PINK!

I'm thankful for an 8 year old who can mix a cake mix for me.

I'm thankful for 2 boys who get the laundry washed, hung out, folded and
put away. (Didn't teach ironing yet)

I'm thankful for the Chinese language CD's at the library...we might
remember a few phrases!

I'm thankful for sidewalk chalk


Yes, Maggie this does get addictive....gotta go to bed
One more thing...I love my front flower bed,now that we replaced the flowerbed with pavers and more weeding (the grass needs mowing but....)
BTW the odd looking critter a few posts back, was a moth, gotta check
the official name...but we call it the bird p**p moth.

1 comment:

  1. Love your thankful list. Mine would be similar!! Love your new flower beds too. Go figure my garden looks like it will be producing LOTS of veggies when we are in China!!!
