Sunday, October 3, 2010

What I Didn't Expect

My ten year old son in a mystery....

The one page of information that we got with his referral, does not even
scratch the surface. The information gives minimal information on how he
got his burns and even less about his life since then....

After knowing him for three weeks, I want to know...

Where did he learn to give back rubs?

How does he know the difference between peach trees and apple trees?

Who taught him that the best answer in a new situation is "no"

Where did you spend your time? You knew which animal you were smelling
at the fair.

Why do you think you will get hives from a long sleeved it
the idea that it was wool?...or didn't you like the shirt?

How allergic are you to shrimp and mushrooms? Why didn't the paperwork
mention it? (c'mon people this could have been important)

Who taught you to prepare food?

Why do you seem to know that God is very important to us? You remind
your siblings to pray before they eat, when they would charge ahead and
start stuffing their mouths.

Yet you say you had no religious education of any sort.

We took you to Chinese Church today, you sang the songs, what did you
hear? what did you learn?

The other things I didn't expect...
The child I expected to have outbursts over a new not the
child having the outbursts. They happen about every other day, mostly
when she is tired, plus she was sick when we came home. Hopefully, this
week is better.
I did not expect to be quite so BUSY almost like a newborn...except he
can get into the refrigerator by himself! :^)
I also did not expect to fall in love so fast.
I did not expect one of his first words to be "careful!" (am I

This boy is determined! I don't think he ever shot a basket before
Friday and today he managed to get a few shots in the basket! He was
very pleased with himself. My camera skills were not good enough to
catch the actual shot.

Last night he met his 13 cousins on my side of the family....he was a
bit stunned, but seemed to blend right in.


  1. Oh, Chris...that made me all teary-eyed. What a sweet post. I sure hope you can get some answers to those questions.

    I love your heart, friend!

  2. can't wait to meet him! what an awesome kid!

    oh and Jeremy wants to practice his Chinese when he comes home for Christmas :)


  3. This post sounds so similar to what we are experiencing right now with Erin....

  4. I remember having a million questions myself like those you've listed. It's awesome that he loves basketball. Great way to build confidence and make friends!

  5. Chris, How precious to hear your mother's heart come out in your words. There is so much of our little one's past we will never know, but maybe your big boy will be able to remember some of his.
    Terrye in FL

  6. He sounds wonderful and what an interesting journey you are all on.
