Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday's are for Cooking?

 Today it was time to make Sweet Chili sauce. Got the recipe from one of my Chinese cook books and the flavor matches the bought stuff. I canned some of it since we have an abundance of peppers.
 Then on to the bread oh and a quadruple batch of baked oatmeal since I forgot to buy cereal yesterday. Actually that recipe has a bit more sugar than the way I make it,but you get the idea.
 Then on to the $92 worth of meat. Our supermarket had sale on pork and BIG pieces of sirloin so I'm trying the "cook for a day- eat for ....awhile?"  Actually I'd like some of this stuff to stay in the freezer until I'm in China so the troops can eat without too much work on their part.
Trying to decide what treatment to give this hunk of meat...any ideas?

BTW two years ago we were enroute/arriving in China to meet Joseph.

1 comment:

  1. You have been BUSY! :)

    I always like a lot of fresh ground pepper on my roasts with lots of garlic!
