Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Today we went to Sh*iner's for a quick-squeeze-us-in
appointment....Joe's fixator needed a new ring and some
adjustments...well our spot finally came up at 5:30. Before he was
wheeled off the nurses came back and said that we should plan to stay
the night because of his level of pain after surgery last time and that
they will be done so late in the day....
Yes, I totally agreed especially when they told us that some pins might
need replacing.
We decided that I would go home, the girls like when I put them to bed.
Then I got home and glanced at the calendar and realized that I had
forgotten a swimming party for Zeke. I felt so bad...he does not
complain...and I FORGOT!
Hope helped heap guilt on me...she just cried and cried tonite...relief
that I came home? She did say she had a good day out with friends
(thanks Houa) The best we could come up with is that she is a bit
jealous of the attention Joe is getting and wants me to herself for at
least a day....
OK, maybe we can work on this..BUT
How do you balance the needs of the healthy kids when you have one in
the hospital??
I know there are many families with a MUCH bigger mountain...any tips?


  1. NO advice as I tend to the ones in the hospital as Robert tends to the ones at home. It is a juggling act and not easy to say the least. You just got to do what works for you and your family!
