How do you know when to push...
when to back off?
How do you know if he is actually so tired or just would rather play
When he is headed for the school door with backpack and lunch box in
hand, should I grab the door for him or let him manage on his own.
When the seat belt is elusive should I reach over and help or let him
try again, and many time.
When it seems as if he just cannot keep track of his pencil and eraser
(mentioned that before I know) do I help or let him stomp around the
house looking?
Should I double check his lunch box to make sure he is not forgetting
his spoon again?
Should we let him spell the 4th grade spelling words when he does not
understand the meaning of the 2nd grade words.
Am I being a hard mother when I insist he finish the 2nd grade workbook
before doing the 4th grade words?
Am I being a "tiger mom" when I make him write the character for each of
the words he does not know?
Am I being too picky when I make him try to pronounce his Bible Memory
words clearly.
"When you talk Chin*se I don't care if you say it wrong! Even when
Ch*nese people cannot understand you" But this mama wants you to be
understood when you speak English.
BTW when you read it the second time the words were much clearer and you
CAN do it! And we managed the fine dance to avoiding a blow up
tonite...I almost thought I pushed too hard.
Like someone said I don't feel like we have the luxury of time, we are
starting so late in the game and yet it's not me that is deciding these is God and this fine boy he loaned us.
So one foot in front of the other.....