Sunday, August 26, 2012

Changeable Minds

 A few weeks ago, my hubby's family decided that they need to all trek to NY for a family camp out.
We had planned the cabin vacation for this past weekend and decided it would be too much driving. Twelve hours on the road for about 14 hours of being there. BUT Thurs around 11AM hubby gets the idea that he wants to do the trip anyway. It did not fit MY plans at all, but really, the packing was simple, we were informed that most of the food was at the hostess' house.
So off we went....only thanks to some construction on I-81 we were stuck in a traffic jam for about 45 min. Thankfully no one had a potty emergency! (like on the way home)
 All of his brothers and sisters and any unmarried children  were invited. The weather was beautiful and the food plentiful.
 Faith loved the cow stable and thought she would like a cow or two to take care of.
 The gobbling turkey was fascinating
And the 30-some windmills simply made you feel like you were on another planet.
So tomorrow morning I will tackle the MOUNTAIN of laundry that we somehow accumulated and bake the bread that didn't get baked and then I will start my week of trying to start the Christmas quilt order

Just before I left on Fri I made this. It was time for a new pocketbook.


  1. Cute pocketbook!

    I love this post! Cows, turkeys, windmills...nice!

    Oh, and a big family, fun!!

  2. What a fun time to have a camp out. :) We haven't camped in a long time. The lake is very close by so we just go for a few hours and come home.

    You made a very nice pocket book! :)
