Thursday, August 30, 2012

Parable of the Lost Coin or RMB

The parable talks about a poor woman who had 10 coins and lost one...she swept the house carefully and sought the coin. When she found it she happily told her neighbors. Jesus told the story to reflect the rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repents.

About a year ago when Demetrius and Glenda were discussing their honeymoon plans I gave them a passport holder neck pouch thingy...anyway before I gave it I checked the pockets and wow! there is money in here, but it was the RMB kind. I remembered that it was at least 200. Anyway I had tucked the money away SOMEWHERE because we were NOT going back to Ch*na for a very long time.
Well in the last couple of weeks I remembered the money. I also was remembering those cute little phrase books that I had to hid from some sweet little girls. I had not seen them in quite some time.

As I thought about these bits of paper I'd check likely hiding spots and I just was not coming up with my hidden loot!
So today was the day! I started upstairs with the luggage in the closets.
Found: One pair of moldy shoes (not in my house!)
             one pair of pink sneakers that said Beijing 2010
             one frying pan, purchased in Ch*na in order to cook our food
             20 zillion zip lock bags that I used to pack for 7 people the last time
             lots of dust
             but no little books or RMB

So I started in this room again. It is my sewing room, play area, and my office, and depository for all my bits of adoption papers.
I started in the upper right corner. I knew that the books could not possibly be there,but by this time I was cleaning out dust bunnies too!
Long story short...I hauled out 2 bags of stuff...I will not go into detail, but suffice it to say it was good insulation, but it was time to move some of it OUT!
I found one of the phrase books, but still no RMB.
I was praying all the while "Lord what is the lesson here? Is it time to just clean the house? I should be working on that quilt. I know it isn't MUCH money, but it would buy our first meal if the money exchange thing does not go properly this time again. "
So I tackled the files that I HAD searched before. I pulled out the paper work from Joe's adoption, the paperwork from this adoption and picked up a similar looking file that has the Adoption News paperwork in it...just in case I had slipped the money in there.
I leafed through the first file AND THERE IT WAS! I know I had looked through those papers before, but never saw the money...the other phrase book was there too.

Lesson?: Guess it was time to clean up.

BTW the pics are after I had cleaned up...Sorry, I'm a work in progress.


  1. Ha! I'm also a work in progress! Keith has spent his whole week cleaning and organizing! I can't decide whether to be delighted or mortified that the house will be so much cleaner after I've been gone for a week!

  2. Hahahaha...I love this! I am so relieved to know that there is someone else in the world exactly like me!!

    So glad you found your RMB, moldy shoes, and frying pan.


  3. Oh i can so related to searching for things!!!! :)
