Thursday, March 28, 2013

Seven Years Ago

 Seven...well 8-1/2 years ago,we set about to adopt another little girl. People told us it couldn't be done. They tactfully cited Ch*na's $10,000 per- person- in- the- household  income rule.
I decided to try just one more agency...their answer..."We don't see why not."

Just a note to people that think international adoption is beyond their means....if God is nudging you in that direction....don't hide behind the $$$ screen.  With God all things are possible.

The wait at that time was 8 months from DTC to referral, what a whirlwind!

After our first visit to Ch*na we decided there was no way we would leave all our children at home again, so we took them along. I'm sure our travel group wondered what they were getting in for.
But miracles do happen, we only had the screaming 3 y.o. on the one in-country flight and some basic normal grouchies...all in all I was impressed by their behavior.  They were 14, 10, 8, and 3

Faith was not happy to meet us

Someone asked me if she was tiny...

 She would not drink a bottle for the first 12 hours...she had some kind of ulcers on her tongue and a double ear infection....
She did get full dose of the whole clan and seemed to soak it up.

 Notice the waving fingers...she used them as a defense mechanism when things were a bit overwhelming...she waved them between her eyes and the scene in front of her.

So happy to be landing
Tonight we celebrated the 7 years at a local restaurant for ....hamburgers and fries.