I was 'tagged' on fac*book to give fourteen "little known" facts about myself. Some people were assigned as few as six; I'm not sure how I managed to be elected for fourteen. Maybe I'll tell myself " I won".....there that makes it easier!
I really don't think there are fourteen facts about myself that people would really want to know, but here goes:
1. I spent all my life high, that is until I was 19 and got married and changed my name to something different.
2. I have been asked a number of times if I'm part Chinese.
3. I am the oldest of three children.
4. I have no sisters.
5. We have seven children.
6. According to the IR*, I am self-employed at three jobs.
7. I am currently getting my hair combed into 'cornrows' by an eight-year-old. I may never be able to finish this post- ouch!
8. I once drove an ambulance into Philadelphia...and back out. The ambulance was fine and the patient no worse for the trip!
9. I have only been to FL once, on our honeymoon.
10. I have been to Chin* four times.
11. I've worn glasses since 8th grade.
12. I helped deliver a little boy, early one morning, in the living room of their house. My famous words? "Oh it's the head!"
13. I got my EMT certification a little over 25 years ago.
14. My hubby and I met at a scavenger hunt.
Today is National Adoption Day, I can't imagine how boring my life would be without the added blessing of our youngest four children. Not everyone should be adoptive parents, but EVERYONE has the requirement of James 1:27 and other verses to care for those less fortunate than you. It can be praying specifically for a family, providing a listening non-judgmental ear,being part of a big brother/sister program, or MAYBE just MAYBE God is asking you to step outside of your comfort zone and into some Extreme Parenting! How about it? Ask God, you might be surprised what He says. That verse also mentions widows, they can be 'adopted' too, there are so many ways to be involved in helping other people that don't even involve money...but they do involve time. That is a long topic all of its own.
A lesson learned: If you are stealing nuts, you should watch where you are going!
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