Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"S" Quote

Those practice session with the colors must be sticking a little bit!...
Well first a little background, over the weekend I began smelling a 'rotten' smell in the girls' room. Remembering the purloined Popsicle, I started searching and found a sippy cup of very sour milk hiding under Shekinah's bed. Apparently it had leaked a little onto the carpet and the smell didn't disappear when I got rid of the cup.
So Monday morning I was on a warpath, that room was getting cleaned! I hauled all the blankets from her bed, and the blankets that I lay on while waiting for her royal highness to fall asleep, down the steps. Well, I got a foot tangled in one of the dangling corners and that quick I was plopping down the steps on my behind.
Long story, short, I called hubby at work and told him to check on me later, while he was talking to me I started mumbling and hung up on him.  Like any good hubby he called 911.
All told, we had 3 police officers and 2 EMT's in my living room and Shekinah was busy observing "those guys"  I didn't go to the hospital, I just bruised my tailbone and my pride. I'm still a little achy but MUCH better.
Anyway--- tonite hubby was looking at our adjustable floor lamp and said "now who was messing with those lights again! I told them (the children) to leave them alone!"  He looked at Shekinah and asked "Do you know who was messing with the lights?"
"yes, those guys."
" which guys?"
"Those blue guys in the shirts!"

Their shirts were indeed blue, but I didn't see anyone messing with those lights.

But she got the color right!

1 comment:

  1. :) Doesn't take them long to figure out how to play"blame the other guy"!So how did it fell to be on the other side?(the patient,instead of the emergency responder:)
