Thursday, February 18, 2010

Of Spelling Bees, Bible Quizzing, and Chinese New Year Parties

And also of Income Taxes, Grant forms and FA*SA forms.

I feel like I've been spinning in circles this week. This was the week I was going to accomplish all that did not get to last week because the kids were home from school.

Yeah well…

Yesterday we finally had the long awaited Valentines/CNY party at school. Big sister had ordered the menu Egg Roll, wonton soup, and dumplings. I used my veto power and changed it to eggroll, spicy chicken, rice and stir-fried veggies. At the last minute she remembered in inform me about the rescheduled spelling bee "It's this afternoon at 2" I was planning to be at home sewing by that time! But since she was one of the 4 finalists in second grade…I really needed to stay and see the results. The day was a good one

Most of the kids loved the food, the red envelopes were "neat" and SHE WON THE SPELLING BEE! It was just 2nd grade but…


Tomorrow the 3 boys head to Phila. for Bible Quizzing. Big brother is a coach and the other two are competing. The passages are from Matthew, chapters 1-10 but they skip the genealogies. They use the King James version and answers must be word perfect. I hate watching, I get too competitive and that doesn't look good at a Bible quiz :^)


Last night we took our paperwork to the accountant and when he heard we were working on FA*SA forms he finished the 1040's by tonite! So glad the tax stuff is done, this year was dismal. Hoping 2010 looks better.

I helped big brother fill out the rest of his forms and actually had a lot of the info together because I was working on adoption grant applications. I can't decide if I am wasting my time applying for grants at the beginning of the year, maybe I should be working on the quilt orders I already have. Those forms take a lot of time! Each one asks for your financial info in different break-downs, one considers your phone bill as part of your utilities another wants it listed separate.

Maybe I'll just curl up in a chair and read my new book "Parenting is Heart Work" by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. It sounds like such a good book if I could only stay awake!

I'll add a picture of Little sister learning to blow bubbles


  1. Hi Chris, I'll be interested to know what you think of our Parenting is Heart
    Work book. May God richly bless you and your family. --Scott Turansky

  2. The book sounds good one!

    The Chinese menu sounds so great! Could you post or email me your spicy chicken recipe? Yummy.

    I'm really impressed with your Bible quizzers! Wow, KJ version? That's hard! Good for them!! Let us know how they do!
