Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ramblings of My Mind

Jen over at  got me to thinking about "fixable special needs". I understand what people are saying…in a way. But I am left wondering…what happens when the parents find out that their "fixable SN" …isn't? I think prospective adoptive parents ( PAP's) should think about that possibility…I'm talking to myself here. We are hoping to bring Liang home this summer; we know he has scarring that will need surgery. We have doctor's opinions that he will be able to walk on his feet, not his heels, after surgery and they will possibly be able to repair his right hand…a little.

BUT what if they are wrong? I am trying to wrap my mind around this. I am trusting God to do the leading. BUT I am very human, and I have a GREAT imagination! Maybe his feet will be the least of our worries. After all, he will be 10… years, not months. I'm getting tired of the look on people's faces when I say that. How can we actually prepare for all the possibilities? I feel like I've read so many books. I will most likely be like the story about the new interns "When they hear hoof beats ( see a symptom), they look up expecting a zebra and are surprised to find it is only a common ordinary horse, clip-clopping down the road." What will stop us (me) from over-diagnosing my son?

Another mom, Amy at is sitting by her son's side while he goes through procedures similar to what Liang will face. She voiced a concern that I have… "If I'm tired or discouraged and allow people to know, will they just say 'well you signed up for it'?"

At least we know, we WILL be facing hospital stays. Up to 20 procedures according to one doctor (gulp). Some people have this come as a surprise when their child is born to them…so at least I can try to prepare my mind.


If you don't read any other blog today….check out read at least the last two posts….I wish I could have been skilled enough to write that.


About the fingerprints you all were right. Talked to our case officer at Lee's Summit and she said we can pick the date that works best. We are going Mon. unless they don't get our foot of snow off the roads by then.

I am praying the weather forecast is WRONG! Son#2 has been carving, painting, and rigging fishing lures for the past couple of months and planning to sell them at a fishing/hunting/camping show on Sat. The lures are little works of art and they actually "swim" The best/worst part, he was going to give all the money to the adoption fund. I may need to sell fishing lures on the blog… so please pray that it stops snowing by Fri 

Here are his hand carved lures I am actually impressed (well I am his mother)


  1. Chris-you are right, you don't know. But you've never had any guarantees and never let that stop you. You dive in with both feet and we all admire you for it. We're here to sit by your side as you sit by his.
    And post the lures now--we will be getting a storm. And we'll need some for the summer, for sure.

  2. chris you need to fix the link for my blog--that one is wrong and takes you to a blog full of s*x talk you would not want to read!! mine is

