Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He Called Me Clever

We are home a few days...yesterday I was catching up on things and
decided to make a batch of cereal (granola). Liang was watching,
sniffing and asking for translations, after I was finished he asked for
the translator and the word was "cleverness"
Made me smile.
I am in awe of homeschooling moms...how do you do it? I am trying to
keep him busy and catch up on the laundry and baking, not to mention the
dirty corners. He would be happy playing computer games all day with a
bit of scooter riding in between, but this mama knows that isn't the
We didn't have a curriculum lined up before he came home, simply because
I really didn't know where he was at in terms of grade level. I am in
the middle of enrolling him in an online charter school.

Today he read part of "Go Dog Go" not that he comprehended all the
words, but he could sound out the words.
I will be glad for the days that little sister is in school, it is hard
on my brain to stay on HIGH alert making sure there are no problems.
When the others are home, so is daddy so I have some help. So far we see
nothing inappropriate, but I guess it will be awhile before we can relax.

Little sister is not real happy these days, she is getting over the
fever/cold she had the last few days and probably still suffering jet
lag makes for touchy feelings "mommy he frowned at me" "no deary, he
was just trying to figure out what you are doing"
Liang does not like when the girls cry, the other night when big sister
started over something he gave the "time out" sign and said "no sister".
God allowed us to find a doctor, who speaks Mandarin and takes new
patients, and has an office only 20 minutes away. We saw him today and
sees no medical issues other than his feet and hand.
He has a great sense of humor, it will be fun when he can understand all
the table talk, he seems to have the same kind of humor we do.


  1. It sounds like he is trasitioning well! What translator are you using with him. We are adopting a 13 yo from China. Thanks, Terry

  2. Susannah did PA Virtual Cyber School. We also used the k12 curriculum. There is another cyber school in PA that uses k12 called Agora. Everything is free as both are considered public schools.
