Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have been following blogs for over a year, especially those
involving older child adoption...
I want to say thanks for the things I learned along the way....Thanks for telling me that kids rub their faces in the watermelon rind
after they are finished eating it....
he did exactly that....Thanks for reminding me that these kids don't ride in cars very often
and might get car sick....
he does....Thanks for reminding me of the cultural differences with spitting and
snorting....I knew it, but the voices of experience ring louder than all
the "experts" in the books we read.Thanks for discussing the possibility of him needing to call someone, so
we could be prepared when he asked to make a phone call.Thanks for mentioning that some orphanages almost never use the stairs,
but instead use the elevators...stairs are going much better now after 3
weeks.Thanks for mentioning that I might not fall instantly in love, that it
takes time, and you may feel as if you are baby sitting at first....Thanks for mentioning the need for food constantly at first....that has
tapered off quite a bit.I have another post about the things I wasn't prepared for, but I'd
better get to bed so I can enjoy another day with the family God gave us.


  1. Very deep post. Our adoptee was 4-1/2 but by the time the next one happens our child will probably be 7, so I look forward to more about your older child adoption.

  2. I really like this post!!! Nice knowing that others have been there and done that huh? And that it is not always perfectly wonderful all the time.

    Love that he waited for brother to come home for legos, very cute!

  3. Such a mysterious journey, isn't it :) But makes us gloriously dependent upon the Father!
