Monday, November 22, 2010


Why would you ask a newly adopted, newly arrived to the US, 10 year old

Do you like it here?


  1. because you are stupid? oh, i guess i shouldn't say that...did someone say that in a store today?

  2. Ummmm...cuz you left your brain on the nightstand when you woke up that morning????

  3. that is strange. no one asks that of our son.

    however, they don't realy even talk to him.


    we have so many struggles in our own home right now that i really don't think much of the dumb things people outside say.

    if only our children could find some common ground. it is so hard watching from afar and trying to stay out of it, but wanting them to all become brothers in the real sense of the word. maybe someday. i just have to keep praying.

  4. Well they could have asked "Do you like your new parents?" My kids have been asked that! I agree with Jen 'stupid" and I don't even like that word, but it comes to mind some of the things I hear from people who don't understand adoption.
