Friday, March 26, 2010

Crazy Love...

That is actually the title of a book that I need to read, but it is also part of a challenge on A Place Called Simplicity  Linny came up with some ideas that would put "love in action"  Go read her last two posts.

The other part of her challenge is for people to post their needs. I believe everyone thinks they have NEEDS until they read other people's stories. After clicking on a few of the Mc  Linky connections....we don't have any least not yet.

I always was taught to give...mostly of your time, because "it's not smart to just give people money". As a family my dad was a volunteer fire chief, my mom donated her skills as a quiltmaker and cooking food for fire company fundraisers or any other worthy cause that came our way.  We never really talked about tithing.

Then I met my husband and he introduced me to the idea of tithing 10%  He even put that 10% in a separate check book so he knew how much was available for donating.  Anyway...I learned if you keep the money separate to begin don't count it as "yours" and we had some available when it was time to help out.

We never were on the receiving end of that charity and like it that way (pride) it is much more comfortable to be giving the help.

Now since I read all the adoption blogs and read about the fundraisers to bring home one more child, I keep an envelope with the Lord's money and try to give it to the fundraisers that I come across. (Oh I know you can't trust anyone on the internet....gotta be careful)

That all makes me very comfortable.....I like to give, BUT then we started this last adoption and we know we will be visiting the hospital more often than any time in our past experience....and now I start worrying that we will need to be on the receiving end of charity one day.

When we started this adoption a friend wondered how we were going to afford it... I quite frankly said "I don't know"  I told her that we will do whatever fund raisers we can, and this time I will not say "no" when people offer to help...She has tested me on this a few times. She gave me some good stuff for our yard sale and I almost told her I'll pay her for them....she reminded me again...."You said!"

We even started a fund with our agency for people to give tax deductible donations.

Christian World Foundation
777 South Allen Rd
Flat Rock NC  28731
 put Ray and Christine Weaver on a separate piece of paper


  1. that is cool that your agency will accept donations for you! (ours wouldn't....) that will be a great way for people to help out. i will probably buy more bags lol i have a thing for bags!

