Sunday, March 28, 2010

Four Years Ago!

Four years ago we met a precious little girl in a Civil Affairs office in Guan*hou. We had received her photos the end of January and then some updated photos a few weeks later. We had stared at...cried over....those pictures. We were very impatient to bring home little sister.


We noticed a slightly disturbing trait on all her pictures....she had her little hands in fists on-all-six-pictures.  I mentioned it to the SW and she answered "yeah I noted that too" so much for thinking it might be my imagination. We even asked the director if "Hua Mo" was developing her hands work?  The answer was not very comforting..."Oh Yes all baby's keep their hands in fists until they are about one year old, then they open their hands and start using them...."

Not really the answer I was looking for.

I remember discussing it with my husband..."I'm Ok with it ...I think...if she has a SN that we are not aware of...BUT it would be nice to be look for a doctor awhile....
He just said..."I prayed for this little girl, it will be OK"

I mentioned something to family and one family member actually asked if we get a refund if she has a disability....WHAT!!! I almost asked her if HER parents got a refund because she turned out DUMB!!!  Thankfully God shut my mouth at the right time.

Anyway off we went with 4 children and a family friend (age 19) to meet the newest family member. Amazing trip!

Such happy children

We actually put 3 boys side-by-side in airplane seats and left them there for 16+ hours! and they didn't fight!! Definitely the hand of God.

That little girl that didn't know how to use her legs, when we stood her on our laps, she just collapsed, but when she finally
figured out how to walk at, 15 months, she decided to run!

We couldn't be happier with our Little Sister

We are so thankful that God guided the  "matcher's" hands and placed you with us.
 Edited to add:   Her hands are fine...she waved her fingers in front of her face (windshield wiper style) for about a month after she came to us, but I think that was an orphanage thing. She has no problems at all with her hands and is quite frankly a little ambassador....loving most everyone.


  1. Oh my gracious! What a sweetie girl she is!!! Sooo...did her hands turn out to be OK?? NOT that it matters...and wow, certainly NO REFUND necessary regardless (mercy, can you imagine?). You are so right GOD perfectly "matched" her with her forever family! She is a doll!!!

    Great pictures!! You made me smile with this sweet post!

  2. Mike and I are laughing about the "did your family get a refund because you turned out dumb?" comment. What a beautiful girl. I'm so glad God placed her in your family

  3. We are blessed that we got to travel to China with your amazing family. We remember every minute of the trip! I remember when we were walking around the village and Ray was holding her, and I thought I have to snap a photo now to remember this moment--she looked prettier than the beautiful next to her.
    And our gal says hello to all of her "sisters" today. Give her a kiss from us!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!! She is beyond precious and so is your entire family. And I too laughed so loud my kids came running about the "did your family get a refund because you turned out dumb" comment. TOO FUNNY!!! You got spunk girl- I love it!

  5. Oh what a sweet story of bringing Little Sister home! She's absolutely precious. I just love hearing other's adoption stories.

    I can't believe that refund comment (I love your mental response)!

    Yes, God is the Almighty Adoption Coordinator. Sometimes I think we could do a DNA test with our adopted son and it would come back a match.

    God Bless,

  6. What a doll!!! But the thing that made me laugh the most about this post was your comment about leaving the boys alone in the seat for 16 hours of travel and no fights...God's hand for sure!!! Oh, how I can relate to that one!!! See our boys really know when they truly have to behave and not make boys noises or not wrestle each other or one up each other!

  7. Beautiful baby--beautiful girl!! Congrats --enjoy every minute of her!

