Sunday, March 14, 2010


I don't have that many readers, so if you did not read A Place Called Simplicity, go read it now. I don't have a lot to add to that.
Also if you didn't read Fields of the Fatherless, go borrow or buy a copy and read it. We don't have any excuses to be sitting on our ummm...nice comfy chairs wondering what to do with our time.
 As to adoption, people say "well you just have something special, we couldn't do that" Let me tell you folks there ain't nothing special about fact some days I'm shaking in my boots, 
some days I yell at my beautiful obedient children,
today I actually had sharp words with my husband. (That is unusual enough that it had everyone's attention)
 I am not always very patient or understanding, but thankfully God does not wait until people are perfect to give them a job to do. Otherwise, He would be waiting a long time. He simply is looking around for people to be willing to help out, yes, to step out of their comfort zone and He will do the rest.
Our story is by no means finished, it will be interesting how God unfolds our story. I don't plan on it being an easy journey, but it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised.

A quote from the Talmud, that I found in Fields of the Fatherless
A mother is likened unto a mountain spring that nourishes the tree
at its root, but one who mothers another's child  is likened unto a water that rises 
into a cloud and goes a long distance to nourish a lone tree in the desert.


  1. When you were commenting on my blog I was reading Linny's post that you linked to. Thanks for both (link and comment).

  2. Read it too, also going to do a post on it as it is exactly my thoughts that I could never have put so eloquently or bold as she!!! BTW, Fields of the Fatherless is one of my favorites as is Crazy Love!!

    Got my backpack, love it!!!

  3. Chris,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and for your sweet comment. You made me laugh! Yes, God is good to help finish the craft project that was for Him.

    I just LOVE your blog and your precious family. So exciting to see you are adopting again. We are feeling led to adopt SN from China next. I'll keep you in my prayers on this journey to bring #6 home.

    Thanks for your honesty in this post. "God does not wait until people are perfect to give them a job to do." So true.

    God Bless,

  4. I needed to read this post. Thank you for writing it.
    Some of what you wrote is exactly what I've been thinking.
    Somehow, I think I was meant to find this. :)
