Sunday, March 7, 2010

Yard Sale= busy day

Up and out of bed before 4AM with 14 y.o. in tow. Dear hubby loaded the truck while we grabbed peanut butter and molasses toast (very healthy, it was home made bread)
Set up by 6:15- forgot the plastic bags for the customers purchases.
Woke up formerly friendly really he was happy to bring them to us.
Met some friendly people, promoted adoption, answered questions, and sold some stuff...

$156 worth...

not bad for a morning of work.

A couple of older fishing type men stopped by and admired the fishing predicted that son#2 will be a millionaire by the time he is 24...and if he is wrong...son #2 shall give the man a call and he will make him a millionaire....gave son #2 his card and everything! We are still laughing about it, but it did give son #2 encouragement when people complimented his work.

People liked the bags, but everyone was looking for a bargain...the people that bought were the ones that asked about the adoption.

I was encouraged by the positive attitude from the people we talked to...we could have received eye-rolls and the like, but if they were there I didn't notice.

The other side of the day....while I was talking to customers my hubby called, "Does the washer ever just stop and not do anything when it is full of water?"  "Even after I unplug it for five minutes?"
"Uhhh, no?"  
"Guess it needs a new controller"

When we came home, hubby was busy with a washing machine sprouting wires out of the top.  He came to me with the camera..."can you print these out so I can see how it fits back together" 
"Sure honey"  but the printer is out of the one color we don't will have to do.
A few minutes and a phone call later, the washing machine was together...after deciphering the blinking light error codes...the machine was ready to finish the load that soaked in there all day.

Oh and the new controller cost only $170 so we broke even today (?)

Oldest daughter...went to the garage to get a grapefruit and came back in "Mom, the washing machine is leaking water and soap all over the floor!"

We just needed to fine tune the settings, I am very thankful that the washing machine is in the garage.

We got the 4 loads finished before supper...I am so thankful for a husband that is willing to pitch in and help out....I still needed to run for groceries and of course Sat. afternoon crowds are different than 8 AM Thurs. crowds.

I was very glad to crawl in my flannel sheets

On Mon. go check out the fundraising pages and see what is left and you can look at the lures...needs more work on that page, but that's for another day.

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